Knights of Columbus
Bishop Francis J. Green Council 11855

Duties of Assembly Officers

  • To preside over all meetings of his Assembly and shall enforce the rules and regulations of the Assembly and the laws of the Order
  • To call special meetings when circumstances require
  • To receive applications from the Comptroller of third degree members of their respective Councils for membership in the Assembly
  • To refer applications to the Admission Committee within five days after their reading at the first regular or special meeting following their receipt
  • To discharge the Admission Committee if it fails or neglects to report on an application for membership
  • To present applications to the Assembly at the next regular or special meeting following the recommendation of the Admission Committee or its discharge
  • To announce, at his option and If more than one candidate is to be balloted for at a meeting, that the first ballot shall be a general ballot, and that if not more than one-half of those present shall cast negative ballots upon such general ballot, no other ballots shall be taken and the candidates declared elected, else an individual ballot shall be taken on each candidate
  • To inspect, with the Captain, the ballots for membership
  • To order a second ballot at the same meeting upon the same application when, in his judgment it may be warranted by circumstances, provided such second ballot shall be ordered before the first ballot shall be declared and before any further business shall be transacted
  • To announce the result of balloting for membership
  • To sign, with the Comptroller, each Membership Card attested and issued under the seal of the Assembly for such time as the member may pay his dues but for a period of not less than twelve months, but such card shall be issued only if the member produces a Third Degree Membership Card showing his good standing in his Council
  • To file , with the Comptroller, approved application for transfer, and forward the same to the Comptroller of the former Assembly
  • To sign a transfer card for the Comptroller of the receiving Assembly of an approved application for transfer or restoration
  • To declare a candidate elected by acclimation when only one candidate is proposed for a particular office and no further nominations have been made from the floor
  • To appoint two members who shall not be candidates in the election to act as Tellers
  • To file report of the election of officers within ten days after the election, together with the names and addresses of all officers elected, with the Master, and send a duplicate to the Supreme Secretary
Appointments & Committees
  • To be the Chairman of the Board of Trustees
  • To appoint, immediately on his election, an Admission Committee of seven members including the Faithful Admiral who shall be the Chairman
  • To, with the other chair officers, annually appoint a priest to act as Friar in accordance with any rules established by the ordinary
  • To establish a Color Corps and appoint a Commander of the Color Corps for his Assembly
  • To appoint committees in addition to the permanent committees provided by the laws of his Assembly as he may deem proper or as may be directed by the Assembly
  • To be member ex-officio of all committees
  • To countersign orders drawn and signed by the Comptroller for the payment of money when the same have been ordered by the Assembly or approved by the Board of Trustees
  • To countersign checks drawn and signed by the Faithful Purser
  • To sit down with his team of officers soon after election and develop a calendar of events for the fraternal year
  • To evaluate the Assembly’s effectiveness and accomplishments during the last few years
  • To build on the Assembly’s successes and try to strengthen weak areas
  • To consult with the local district deputies and grand knights to determine conflicts and discover opportunities to tie in to Council events
  • To publicize the program calendar and use it as a guide for the coming year
  • To appoint an editor for a monthly newsletter or bulletin
  • To transmit to the Accused notice of the charges within five days
  • To impose the penalty accorded to a member who pleads guilty or fails to answer in ten days, for an offense
  • To forward to the Master the charges and answer of a member who pleads not guilty within ten days
  • To perform such other duties as the Supreme Assembly may impose
  • To call special meetings when circumstances require and the Navigator is unable to do so
  • To, with the other chair officers, annually appoint a priest to act as Friar in accordance with any rules established by the ordinary
  • To assure a good attendance at meetings and other functions of the Assembly
  • To take direct charge of all activities social and otherwise under the Good of the Order
  • To, with the other chair officers, annually appoint a priest to act as Friar in accordance with any rules established by the ordinary
  • To preside at all meetings of his Assembly in the absence of the Navigator and Captain
  • To perform the duties of the Friar at Assembly meetings in his absence
  • To perform any other duties assigned to him by the Navigator
  • To be Chairman of the Admission Committee
  • To notify each applicant for membership to appear before it within ten days for examination as to his qualifications for membership
  • To evidence the recommendations of the Admission Committee by certificate on a form to be prescribed by the Board of Directors
  • To, with the other chair officers, annually appoint a priest to act as Friar in accordance with any rules established by the ordinary
  • To be responsible for the arrangement of the Assembly chamber
  • To have charge of all properties of the Assembly except moneys and accounts and record books of the officers but including ceremonials
  • To direct and be responsible for the activities of the Inner and Outer Sentinels
  • To acquire and maintain a thorough knowledge of the policies, procedures, and protocols governing the National Flag in order to instruct the members of the Assembly, to ensure its proper care and display, and to serve as an authority on the flag for assigned Councils
  • To collect and receive all moneys due the Assembly and all funds obtained from any source and transfer the same to the Faithful Purser and obtain a receipt from the same
  • To draw all orders on the Faithful Purser when so ordered by the Assembly, the Board of Trustees or the Navigator for payment of all claims of demands against his Assembly which orders shall be signed by him and countersigned by the Navigator
  • To keep account of the charges and receipts of each member in accordance with the standard accounting system provided by the Supreme Council
  • To determine if an applicant is a member in good standing in the Council which he claims membership
  • To present application of third degree members in good standing in their reported Council to the Navigator for processing
  • To keep a roll of the members, their age, occupation and residence with the date of their initiation in the Fourth Degree
  • To countersign and issue, with the Navigator, to each member not indebted to the Assembly a Fourth Degree Membership Card duly signed, attested, under the seal of the Assembly for such time as the member may pay his dues but for a period of not less than twelve months, but such card shall be issued only if the member produces a Third Degree Membership Card showing his good standing in his Council
  • To make available to the Navigator and Board of Trustees at least once a year, all membership records and financial accounts for the purpose of preparing the official audit
  • To notify the Master of the names of all candidates from his Assembly awaiting initiation and give written notice to the Financial Secretary of the Council to which such member belongs that the member has been accepted as a Fourth Degree member of the Assembly
  • To notify the Supreme Assembly on a Form #4 of any member suspended for failure to pay dues within three months after the same are levied and payable
  • To notify quarterly the Supreme Secretary, Master, and Financial Secretary of the Council concerned of the death, transfer, withdrawal, expulsion, reinstatement, readmission or transfer of members on the forms provided by the Supreme Assembly
  • To file , with the Navigator, approved application for transfer, and forward the same to the Comptroller of the former Assembly
  • To provide to the Comptroller of the receiving Assembly of an approved application for transfer or restoration a transfer card, including information as to the date of initiation into the Fourth Degree, and, in the case of a transfer, as to the dues, arrearages, or credits of the transferred member
  • To forward to the Comptroller of a former Assembly an approved application for restoration including $5 paid by the applicant in lieu of all arrearages
  • To forward completed and approved applications for transfer or restoration to the Supreme Secretary
  • To be the custodian of the seal of the Assembly and affix same to all proper papers
  • To keep such necessary official records and forms as will be furnished by the Supreme Secretary
  • To perform all other duties as directed by the members of the Assembly or by the Navigator
  • To perform all other acts required by the laws of the Fourth Degree, the Order and the rules of the Board of Directors
  • To keep a true record of the doings of his Assembly upon books approved by the Board of Directors and furnished by the Supreme Secretary at the expense of the Assembly
  • To receive bills presented and refer them to the Board of Trustees
  • To tally the name written or printed on all legal ballots in an election for office
  • To conduct all correspondence of the Assembly and perform such other duties as the Assembly or the Order may direct
  • To be the custodian of all funds of the Assembly obtained from any source by or through any person or persons, acting for or in the name of the Assembly or under its direction or authority
  • To receive, at each meeting of the Assembly, from the Comptroller all moneys whatever received by said Comptroller at such meeting, or between meetings, and shall give a written receipt to such Comptroller thereof, specifying the fund to which the same shall be credited.
  • To deposit to the credit of the Assembly in an approved bank or other secure institution of deposit, subject to approval of the Board of Trustees or majority vote of the Assembly
  • To obtain vouchers or certificates of deposit
  • To report the vouchers of deposit at the next regular meeting of the Assembly
  • To keep separate accounts of the moneys placed in his hands by his Assembly or the officers thereof and be ready at all times to plainly show the amount of moneys in the funds of the Assembly, the dates of receiving and disbursing same; such accounts to be kept in books furnished by the Supreme Secretary at the expense of the Assembly
  • To pay all orders drawn on him which are signed by the Comptroller and counter-signed by the Navigator. All such orders shall have the approval of the Board of Trustees, except demands of the Supreme Council, initiation fees due the Master, the regular and usual stated payments of the Assembly and payments authorized by the Assembly
  • To make available the Board of Trustees his books and records for the purpose of preparing the annual audit
  • To seeing that all in attendance at an Assembly function are in possession of both a Third and Fourth Degree Membership Card and so report to the Faithful Pilot
  • To perform such other duties as may be imposed upon them by the Faithful Pilot
  • To have supervision of all the financial business of the Assembly
  • To approve the payment of all moneys, except demands of the Supreme Council, initiation fees due the District Master, regular and usual payments of the Assembly, and payments authorized by the Assembly after resolution and vote
  • To audit the accounts of the Comptroller and Purser annually as of June 30 and by July 10, and report thereon to their Assembly, the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Master, Vice Supreme Master, and Master upon blanks approved by the Board of Directors and furnished by the Supreme Assembly not later than the next regular meeting

  • To see that the Comptroller and Purser give proper bonds running to the Knights of Columbus in trust for their particular Assembly
  • To the amount of such bonds required of the Comptroller and Purser in excess of the amount provided for by said Board of Directors, if any
  • To be the custodians of such bonds
  • To have evidence that said officers shall have been bonded in such excess amount
  • To perform such other duties as their Assembly or the Master or Vice Supreme Master or the officers of the Order may direct